Clever Never Goes!


As part of our safeguarding curriculum, children are taught about how to keep themselves safe and recognise dangerous situations involving unknown people outside of school. We lead multiple assemblies over the academic year to reinforce this message to the children.

The school reinforces the message ‘CLEVER NEVER GOES’ which is a message that has replaced ‘Stranger Danger’ and has been created to help parents/guardians talk to their children about staying safe in a simple way. Instead of creating a fear of people it teaches them to recognise the danger in a situation, regardless of who’s involved.

The CLEVER NEVER GOES rule means children shouldn’t go anywhere with anyone – even if they know them – if it hasn’t been agreed in advance by a parent or guardian. And please remember, children learn through repetition so make sure you remind them regularly of CLEVER NEVER GOES when they’re going outside or online. For more information, ideas and resources to have that clever conversation go to:

Useful resources for parents – Below are the resources and guidance for the assemblies we deliver in school: