British Values

We want our children to become valuable and fully rounded members of society who treat others with respect and tolerance, regardless of background. Through our positive culture and ethos and the principles behind our knowledge-rich curriculum, the British Values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance are promoted constantly. This ensures young people understand the importance of respect and leave school fully prepared for life in modern Britain.

Assemblies play an integral part in our school culture, bringing together our fantastic children to celebrate successes, reflect on relevant awareness days and to promote values and build character. British values are revisited weekly in assemblies and used as the language through which we discuss current issues or significant people.

The designed gestures above are revisited in each assembly to support our children, particularly those in younger year groups, to remember the meaning of each value.

Below is a summary of how each value is promoted throughout our school.


  • Identified as a curriculum ‘Golden Thread’, Democracy is revisited throughout curriculum subjects in multiple novel contexts so children develop a deep understanding of the concept (see Golden Threads section of the website for more information)
  • Collaborative working in classrooms from EYFS to Year 6 means children learn the importance of listening to others, appreciating different views and that all perspectives should be respected
  • Children’s opinions are used to inform our curriculum offer and children
  • Pupil voice plays an integral part of school life at Carrington (read below)

Promoting Democracy through the Carrington Pupil Voice Model

In addition to a school councillor from each class who is elected at the beginning of each year, school action groups have also been set up. Each group focuses on a school priority and every child has the opportunity to apply to be a part of the one that most interests them. School action groups ensure that more children are able to play an active role in school life. The current action groups are:

  • Reading
  • EDI
  • Eco

Rule of Law

  • A robust behaviour policy underpinned by key learning values and high expectations, is upheld consistently across school to ensure children feel safe
  • The school rules: Be Ready, Be Safe, Be Responsible are understood by all children and children know these rules apply to everyone
  • Restorative conversations are used to support children to develop a strong sense of right and wrong and to understand why rules are important

Mutual Tolerance and Respect

  • At Carrington, we don’t just tolerate different faiths, we celebrate them as a key strength of our school.
  • We are lucky to serve a vibrant, diverse community. Diversity is another ‘Golden Thread’ intended to celebrate what is such a strength of our school community.
  • ‘Diversity Days’ celebrate the cultures of our families and invite children to replace their school uniform with traditional cultural clothing.
  • We celebrate iconic people who have made a significant contribution to human rights, such as Martin Luther King, Emmeline Pankhurst and Malala Yousafzai. The children are encouraged to consider the lessons we can learn from these people and apply them to our lives both in and out of school.
  • A rigorous RE curriculum, taught weekly, provides a balance of windows and mirrors, where children’s religions from our community are reflected alongside opportunities for children to learn about different faiths
  • An RE assembly is held every half-term, often in line with a religious festival such as Chinese New Year or Diwali where children have another opportunity to learn about and appreciate different cultures. Often, these are led by children who celebrate the festivals themselves

Individual Liberty

  • An inclusive culture and curriculum means that every child has the opportunity to be learn at their best and be involved in all areas of school life
  • Our behaviour policy consistently reinforces the message that a child’s behaviour is their choice, developing an understanding of what makes a good choice and the benefits of making these choices
  • Children are taught about keeping themselves safe in PSHE sessions and computing lessons alongside parental workshops and theme days build children’s understanding of e-safety