At Carrington Primary and Nursery School, we have a number of children in school who are allergic to nuts. We know it is very hard to eliminate nut products completely but we do take steps to make our school ‘Nut-Aware’.
While the majority of allergic reactions to nuts are mild, for some children, eating these foods (even in tiny amounts) may cause serious reactions, which can be life threatening. Some children may even have a reaction after just touching contaminated surfaces, or breathing in airborne nut protein.
How school staff are Nut-Aware:
• Avoid traces of nuts in school dinners and baking activities
• Being vigilant when using boxes as part of craft activities e.g. not using cereal boxes or containers that may be contaminated with nuts
• If staff notice food containing nuts at lunchtimes, we will act sensibly and sensitively to prevent those children known to have allergies coming into contact with the food
• All children with allergies are known by staff
• During food give-aways, children can only take food if accompanied by their adult
How Parents and Carers can be Nut-Aware:
• To support us in keeping all of our children safe, we ask you all to ensure that children do not bring in snacks that may contain nuts
• This includes all nuts, Nutella, peanut paste and other foods containing nuts
• Inform school if your child is allergic to any other food that we are not aware of
• Consider whether any donations of food kindly offered may contain nuts
Thank you so much for working with us to be a ‘Nut-Aware’ school. If you have any questions, please speak to a member of staff.
Team Carrington.
To learn more about allergies, use the links below: