
We have two main governor Committees which meet once a term to discuss and vote on policy and practice in the school. These are followed by a formal Full Governing Body meeting where the Headteacher gives an overview and formal report back about how school is operating, safeguarding and school data.

Community, Values and standards; Monitoring

This committee and focuses on the school’s policy and practice related to communications (including the website); matters relating to the values and ethos of the school such as special needs, behaviour and SMSC (Spiritual, Moral, Social, Cultural) and aspects of the curriculum.   We also look for ways to increase parental engagement with the school.
This committee ensures effective self-evaluation (which reflects Ofsted inspection criteria), agrees priorities for the school development plan, makes recommendations on strategic development to improve standards of pupil achievement and school effectiveness.

Finance, Operations and People

We consider and approve the annual budget plan proposed by the Head and amend it as appropriate (ensuring it is in accordance with the priorities of the School Development Plan). Outturns and any proposed revisions to the budget are also approved by this committee, as are capital projects and any major expenditure.
The committee approves the school’s staffing structure and levels, staff development planning and other staffing matters.
It oversees the pay (and pay appeals) committee and, deals with complaints and grievances and approves arrangements for staff appointments.
The operations part of the committee monitors health and safety, risk assessments, GDPR, safeguarding and whistleblowing.