The Why:

Carrington’s Vision for the Whole-School Curriculum

Our unique children deserve an inclusive, holistic curriculum that shapes them as confident, inquisitive and proud individuals. At Carrington, children know that they matter, they are important and that they bring something to this world that no-one else can.

Through purposeful, broad and rich experiences, we aim for every child to leave us with an empowered voice and a life-long passion for learning, equipped with the skills to go on and be compassionate and active citizens both locally and beyond.

We believe in an ambitious, knowledge-rich curriculum because children are empowered by knowing things. The specifics of what children learn matter and subject traditions are respected, providing the vital inspiration, challenge and confidence to determine their own future.

Carrington’s Vision for PE

PE is essential in enabling children to develop a lifelong enjoyment of movement, and contributes to an understanding and awareness of the importance of an active lifestyle for physical and mental health. Through PE teaching, we enable children to build self-confidence and develop their self-esteem, as well as equipping them with the skills they need lead a healthy life-style.

The PE curriculum offers the opportunity for all children to develop the skills needed to excel in a broad range of physical activities in order to become physically confident in a way which develops their health and fitness. It also provides opportunities to compete in sport, and other activities, which helps to build confidence and embed values such as fairness and respect.  We will also encourage children to break down barriers and to challenge stereotypes linked with sport.

Children will learn a broad range of skills, enabling them to engage in a range of sports and activities to support their health, fitness and wellbeing.

The What:

The How: