
The Why:

Carrington’s Vision for the Whole-School Curriculum

Our unique children deserve an inclusive, holistic curriculum that shapes them as confident, inquisitive and proud individuals. At Carrington, children know that they matter, they are important and that they bring something to this world that no-one else can.

Through purposeful, broad and rich experiences, we aim for every child to leave us with an empowered voice and a life-long passion for learning, equipped with the skills to go on and be compassionate and active citizens both locally and beyond.

We believe in an ambitious, knowledge-rich curriculum because children are empowered by knowing things. The specifics of what children learn matter and subject traditions are respected, providing the vital inspiration, challenge and confidence to determine their own future.

Carrington’s Vision for Music

Music gives our children a source of joy, self-worth, achievement and personal fulfilment. It helps them to grow and form their identities. As an important tool for social cohesion, it knits us together into communities both within our school, and within Nottingham and beyond.

Our curriculum will enable children to experience the communal bonding that comes from playing and singing with others, and being part of something greater than themselves.  All children will learn to sing and play a musical instrument with understanding and control. They will have opportunities to further develop their musical skills, inspiring them to engage in musical activity throughout their lives. They will take part in large events, feeling part of the cultural life of Nottingham.

Our school has wide range of cultures and the music we listen, perform and respond to will reflect that breadth.   Composition activities will enable children to experience the joy of creating and performing their own music. The systematic teaching of notation will be integrated into practical activities, so children understand not only how it works, but its purpose as a both a tool for recording your own compositions and for performing other peoples’.

The What:

The How: